Monday, July 21, 2008

Life on the Other Side

A crap movie is running in front of me. I am sitting next to somebody, talking to her and writing this blog. Lest you forget, I am married now. So I am permitted to write the blog, condition being I have to sit next to her.

It has been a long time and I owe you all updates. So here they are. In case you feel that quality has changed, blame it on the crap bollywood movie running in front of me (AND NOBODY ELSE!)

1. These days I am on, actually, err eh, oh yes, where people go, to visit after marriage, or tour places, OK I embarrassingly say it now ‘Honey moon’. So I am in Goa with my wife, seeing beaches, managing things, and still trying to digest that ‘I got married’.

In case you think everything is romantic on this world you are completely wrong. Today me and my wife decided to be friends again and we are feeling lighter. We were actually getting depressed feeling that we are on our honeymoon.

2. My marriage was an OK affair; I played my role well and she did her part. I still feel I acted in a play in which priests were the dictators, oh no directors. The Herculean ceremony ran for days together, drained complete energy out of our entire family, and extracted, dried and extremely exhausted two of us, the poor bride and the groom. Now I know why people marry only once in their lives.

3. After marriage most of our worries got over but the only concern we have is of our costly wedding dresses. Next time we can use them only if we get a role in Mithun Da’s movie. In case you have any contacts, please help us. Having wasted a considerable part of our parent’s income on our wedding dresses, we are worried how we can justify that expenditure.

4. Since I have not updated you on this, I much tell you that I have joined in Bankura district of West Bengal as Assistant Magistrate and Assistant Collector. To make it flashier I should tell that I have conducted raids with motor vehicles department, excise department and attended election meetings. Now when you are decently impressed, I am subtly adding that I have no office, no permanent vehicle and the Bankura district is so large that it does not even have one Internet café.

Let us hope I shall meet you soon. But as now I am a ‘responsible’ married man, I may blog less often. To tell you the truth, I am still thinking of ways to act more mature. If you have suggestions, do let me know.


Subhiksh Vasudev said...

I can't say if I'd like to watch you on screen with Prabhu ji ( mithun da ) but for sure a regular bite of your blog posts will keep me hooked to this space :)

All the best with your married life and I'm sure an Internet Cafe would soon be there in no time,collector saab :D :)


Subhiksh Vasudev.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anurag

Very happy to see u back.

Considering u r state of mind at present I am confused whether I should wish u happy married life. :)

But anyways my best wishes.

Loved the sentence – “Now I know why people marry only once in their lives”.

In almost all of u r blogs one can find atleast one sentence which touches the heart of readers some humorous and some really revealing statements. Some of the statements which I cherish are –

- Many times the truth of life is equally simple and complex.

- I still wonder what is important in life; to be happy or to be ‘developed’.

- There are times when one feels good to be in service, and this was certainly one of them.

- It’s a path that demands big sacrifices; and has its own way of giving rewards too.

- We do not predict a revolution but we will devote our lives in making our motherland a developed nation.

- In case you have any doubts, on a Sunday evening, I am sitting in my room, analyzing signs of others and writing blogs, so you know on which side of fence I am.

Well Anurag I have a few more but probably I should not take so much space in comments. May be I would discus them in my own blog sometime later.

Coming to u r professional life it would be interesting to know whether u are discharging individual responsibilities or under the guidance of DM.

Anyways Anurag , I still think that u would retain u r sense of humour inspite of u r added responsibilities on professional and personal front and continue to blog. :)

Ashish said...

Nice to see ur post after quite a while...
Hari's comments have raised the bar for comments in this I am really not sure what all to write.. :)

Anyways...hope that, err, oh yes, ur 'Honey Moon' with life continues...

Being "Collecter Sahib" must be feeling time for reforms in 'comrade land' about starting with a cyber cafe ;)

And yes...I have a suggestion for ur costly wedding dress...u can start renting it... :)
I will call u when I am up to it ;)

Enjoy life...


Satish T J said...

Nice post man .. as far as "married life " is concerned there another guy Aditya who has his owmn religon "Adityaism" .. Check out his blog

He blogs about "the wife" which is simply awesome ..

Unknown said...

Hey ansh,
Nice bolg Yaar.I have read few of them and they are good. Hope you are having a great time with the 'Life on the Other side'.

All the best for the same.


Sameera said...

happy married life Anurag!
May marriage bring you loads of luck on the professional and personal front..

Just Simple said...

@subhiksh vasudev: I think taking an internet connection may be better than waiting for an internet cafe :)

I will be happy if you are hooked to this space, so I think I should concentrate on the blog, Mithun Da anyways will find many like me :)

@Hari: I am speechless. Was I the one who wrote those lines!

Thanks a lot for putting them here. I am feeling happy that I blog :)

Anyways, you can wish me happy married life. Die has already been casted. Let the game begin :P

@Ashish: It may be better to start a dress renting business than opening a cafe in the comrade land. Now when my blog can get me business, I am extremely happy. Pray mention about my business to your friends too.

@Satish tj: Thanks for referring the blog. I am actually curious to know how he manages his wife after she sees those posts :P

@sai: Thanks, I am happy you liked the blog :)

@sameera : Thanks a lot Sameera :)

sanjeev said...

Hi Anurag,
Shaadi Mubaarak!
This blog indicates you are happy to get married. The last blog was melancholy!

swathi said...

Hi Anurag,
This is swathi . Ur blog is hilarious.well, thats life and the funniest part is inspite of knowing all abt the ridiculous inconveniences everyone wants to be part of this typical marriage proceedings. Anyways have a happy married life and don't sound so mechanical.

Satyapurva said...

Hello! Loads of good wishes for your life and career ahead. Hope you make big differences in lives of people with little policy changes or even better implementation of existing policies will also do lots good i guess.. anyway i just got curious about the raids. were you taught about all those in academy days? do throw some light whenever time permits you.


Cosmic Voices said...

Congratulation again.. On your marriage, on your exit from bachelorhood, on your entry into the Mature Responsible Men's Club....

Don't worry about your costume, we will call you for our cultural eve on our valediction. You will be paid an honorarium of Rs 250 with the TA on the shortest rail route from bankura.

"My marriage was an OK affair"

That sounded as if it could not meet your expectations. Are you looking forward to some interesting 'affairs'? ;-)

No internet cafe? Cheer up buddy, the guys in Manipur are having power supply on alternate days.

SS said...

After hearing so much good about you from a sweet girl I have gone through your blogs & felt that you have a potential to win a booker price one day ...go for regular blog, short stories, wonderful experience.
Bankura, west Bengal must be a very beautiful & quiet small City /town .there must be very big scope of writing after your hectic Govt job provided you want to sign like .Tagore ...Sarat Chandra who wrote beautiful stories, great Novels, rich literature with the same background of west Bengal.
Internet is not a big deal....I know you can manage any time ......keep it up

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

:-) shaadi mubarak. that was a sweet post.

sweta said...

fantastic and great to usual....

a very belated congratulations and keep yourself free in nov..

will call u soon