Saturday, May 06, 2017

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Finally, some answers to the eternal question that has raked mankind for centuries.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
   1.  Because in these times of political turmoil, it wanted to be on the ‘right’ side.
   2.  Where were you when hordes of cows, buffaloes and goats were crossing the road? You didn’t ask it then, you cannot now.
   3.     It never crossed the road. Our Chicken is sanskari and always remains where it is. This is a canard being spread by western ideologues, liberals, extremists and the enemy within. The chicken shit spread in a particular pattern has betrayed leads of foreign funding.
   4.     Because it felt safe post meat ban in UP. This has been achieved in just a month due to new government and soon chicken would be crossing frontiers and seas.  
   5.     Because it was playing Tic, Tac, Toe! And you thought cross has just one meaning.
   6.     Because it wanted to run away from its nagging parents who only forced it to study all the time for Medical and Engineering.
   7.     Because it was told grass was greener on the other side. 
   8.     Because it wanted to create a stir and become prime-time debate topic on Arnab’s ‘Republic’.
   9.     It ‘Just Did it.’
  10.  Because there was a meeting of animals protesting the special status given to cows. All of them wanted Unique Identity Numbers like that being meted out to cows and also an ambulance service.
  11.  Because it hated idle people and it knew they would kill their hours trying to decode it.
  12.  Because being on the right side was mandatory for all to be a nationalist.
  13.  Because a whatsapp hoax had declared that crossing the road will make United Nations declare our National Anthem best in the world. It would also make them declare your country, religion, caste and your own self being the best.
  14.  Because a message on facebook told that each time it crossed the road, Facebook/Baba Ramdev/President of Honululu will give 2 cents for the treatment of that cute cancer suffering kid.
  15.  There are soldiers dying at the border and you are reading this. Think about those because of whom you are sitting in AC, cooler, fan (or even without electricity). Think about them next time whenever you get the urge to know anything.


Sumit Jain said...

I like your sense of humour :)

Just Simple said...

@sumit Thanks a lot:)

Aaquels quizland said...

Loved it sir