Three Questions :
When do two people fall in love?
Every person has a perception of himself, or how he truly is. Then there is his perception in world, or how the world sees him. He may hide his true self or may not be able to project it to the world. But when someone else sees him in the way he sees himself , it is quite likely he will fall in love with that person.
Can a ‘normal’ person lead a complete life without having any interaction with the opposite sex( leave physical needs for a moment)
According to me no. It is similar to lock and key theory. Male and female are two distinct parts (if taken crudely) that fit in. They make a complete union only when they two meet. Physical union :-) can be seen by all, but what I am saying is there is also an emotional union which is complete only between a male and a female.
Can someone change his religion?
A person’s religion is not something that belongs only to himself, but it is a part of his cultural identity, a legacy that he gets from his family, his society, his upbringing. It is something similar to changing one’s past. So one may claim that his religion is his individual belief, but reality shall be quite different and if one cannot change his parents he cannot change his religion.
Dissentions invited......
i wud add one more answer to the first question.. sometimes people fall in love cos the other person is able to love in u what others have always disliked.. and sometimes they just see in u things that u wanted to be but never had the courage to be.. till this person comes along..
agreed....everytime I think about this, I find a different answer, and none wrong
Perhaps love would be perfect 'art' than a science :)
art it is.. and a fleeting one.. dude! after being in love or 8 years u discover now that its an art?? :)
about the third answer - here comes dissension:
i think religion can be changed. u are absolutely right about it being a part of his cultural identity, etc. Thats why when someone changes their religion, its such a profound change for them.. something we call "resocialisation" in sociology :) Which is probably why it is said (and often found to be true) that people who've converted their religion tend to be more staunch and rigid in their views and beliefs than one born into it.. profound changes need profound efforts.
I dont agree that love is fleeting.... its more stable than most other things
And its not a discovery :), its a statement, though why I said it was because of endless debates I have to read in Public admin whether its a science or an art
About changing the religion, change can be only artificial, thats the reason why the person who has converted tries to be staunch, inorder to prove to the world, and more importantly to himself that he has changed his religion. In one lifetime I dont think there can be true conversion, or that would amount to break off from your past.
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