Sunday, June 03, 2018

How to make the most of Meetings!

No other event in any organisation is productive as its meetings. The number of tasks that are accomplished through meetings are infinite and seven of them are listed now:
1.     Your boss has made life difficult in office and daily dose of Lauki, Taroi and Palak for dinner at home doesn’t help. There was an odd nostril hair peeping in and out but never had the ‘me time’ to take care of that. Once you are in a meeting with a promising power point, lights slightly dim to let northward pointing graphs (each taller than its predecessor) leave their mark and optimistic sound of the speaker acting as a lullaby, you get the perfect ‘me time’ you were waiting for.
2.     Despite your deep sense of meditation all this time, something still penetrated your eardrums and you now know what your organisation is working on, what you are working on and what you have always been working upon. You get that perfect ‘Eureka’ moment and feel excited about whatever work you have been doing/ not doing for a long time.
3.     You notice gloomy faces of your office colleagues, their increasing waistline, receding hairline and now you feel that you are not the only one with a dull life. You try to fool your heart that you are not missing out much on life.
4.     Imagination is the most important ability needed to survive in life. You craft a story why something did not work in the past, pull out reasons/excuses why present performance is bad and boast ‘acche din’ all have been waiting for a long time. You realise there was a philosopher inside you waiting to come out for a long time.
5.     Meetings help to scratch each other’s back and celebrate trifles like achievements. You can cut cakes, celebrate success and pose for pictures for the annual magazine. You may further agree on new ways to waste each other’s time and list out subjects on which further meetings are required. In case something has gone wrong, you can minute it in the meeting and claim ‘I told you so’ alibi.
6.     Meeting are like those free periods in school that allows you do whatever you have wanted to do for a long time. You can sketch, write and catch some sleep during this time. You can also utilise this time on social media, post pictures with #deepinwork/#amazingteam and update your profile.
7.     Meetings provide a reason to utilize the departmental budget to eat, distribute exotic stationary and just to make sure participants feel valued shower souvenir(gifts) at times. You try new sandwiches, cashews and devour candies. As mentioned in this article before, meetings also provide a perfect opportunity to prove you are smart!

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